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Selectmen's Minutes - April 19, 1994
           Minutes: April 19, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen attending: Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Judith Murdoch, Vice-
Chair; James Haggerty and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also:
Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board.

I. Opening Announcements: (1) The 1993 Annual Town Reports are
ready for pick-up at the Selectmen's Office.  The picture on the
report depicts a theme of yesterday (old schoolhouse); today
(38th Red Acre Farm sing-a-long) and tomorrow (1994 DARE class).
The Town Report is dedicated to the Hanson Visiting Nurse
Association which is celebrating its 50th anniversary of
providing service to residents.   (2) The Annual and Special Town
Meetings to be held at Whitman-Hanson Regional High School on May
2, 1994 beginning at 7:30pm. The press will note the location.

II. Recreation Commission: Mary Puleio, Lou Russo and Mary Doyle,
Camp Kiwanee Reservations Agent appeared before the Board
requesting further discussion on the no-smoking ban at Camp
Kiwanee.  Members would prefer to allow smoking in the Lodge
instead of outside noting that even Norwell allows an exception
for their town function facility.  The big fear of the Recreation
Commission is the loss of revenue caused by cancellations due to
the smoking ban.  Haggerty argued that secondary smoke is the
issue versus the revenue generation.  Selectmen did not hear any
compelling reason to change the vote previously taken.  Mrs.
Puleio did inform the Board that it was the Commission's intent
to present an amendment to the article on the warrant in order to
except the Lodge from the no-smoking by-law.

III. Water Department: Commissioner John Currie asking for the
procedure used for the Town billing procedure during any absence
of the Treasurer/Collector.  The Water Department is concerned
about the billing having to wait until McCormack returned from
vacation to sign billing.  Since McCormack has the responsibility
to sign billing and because of numerous start-up glitches last
year, McCormack wants to personally check all billing this year.
It was noted that if, in an emergency (illness, etc) the
Selectmen would have to make an emergency appointment for another
person to sign in her stead.

IV. Certificates of Appreciation of RSVP Service: Doris Grindle
was present on behalf of recipients.  Mrs Grindle is President of
the Senior Center Council of Elder Affairs.  Kuchinski reported
her attendance at a luncheon given by the Hitching Post to honor
10 years of volunteer service by 18 individuals in the Retired
and Senior Volunteer Program.  Three honorees were formerly or
presently residents of Hanson:  Evelyn Bell, a former resident
continues to give service at the Hanson Senior Center;  resident
Frances Curry has given her time to the Senior Center as well as
to the Food Pantry; and resident Barbara Meiggs residing at
Meeting House Lane continues to give her time at Jordan Hospital.
Motion 4/19/94.1: move to honor Evelyn Bell, Frances Curry and
Barbara Meiggs with Certificates of Appreciation from the Town in
honor of their 10 years of volunteer service.  Motion made by
Kuchinski with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  

Mrs. Grindle eloquently spoke on the goals of the RSVP program
and the services provided by the honored volunteers.  She also
noted that resident Karen Garceau and the Hanson Senior Center
are 20 year volunteers to the program and will be so honored
later this year.

V. Capital Improvement Committee: As provided under the Town's
by-law, John Travers and MaryLou Sutter appeared to present the
Committee's report of the Capital Improvements to the Selectmen.
The report will be an informational handout at Town Meeting. The
Committee was thanked for their year of hard work.  The Board of
Selectmen must present the plan to Town Meeting. Members heard
the recommendation of two study committees for the Winter Street
Dam and the Dog Pound.  Some discussion of the necessity for
further study when the search for grants or other funding should
be next step.  Selectmen took the report under advisement until
their 7pm meeting May 2nd.

VI. Monthly Budget Tracking:  Also present were Roger McGovern,
Linda Wyman and Arthur Brasille from the FinCom.  Frisoli
reviewed the bottom line figures.  Frisoli noted that the Fire
Department Union was using a proactive approach (still alarm
method) to keeping costs lower.  Haggerty commented that Town was
doing an outstanding job on holding the legal line.   

At 8:20pm a short break - Resumed meeting at 8:25pm.

VII. Evaluations - Police Chief and Executive Secretary: Frisoli
noted that Andrews had not turned in his evaluation forms
therefore the evaluation process was completed with input from 4
sets of sheets.  Police Chief: Frisoli read the compiled scores
noting all written comments.   Motion 4/19/94.2: move to
recommend a 5.25% raise for the Police Chief as determined by the
evaluation process. Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.    Executive Secretary to the Board of
Selectmen: Frisoli read the compiled scores and written comments.
Additional comments were made by all Board members on the process
and some evaluation techniques.  Motion 4/19/94.3: move to
recommend a 4.55% raise for the Executive Secretary as determined
by the evaluation process. Motion by Haggerty with second by
Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

VIII. Vote to Confirm Actions of April 12, 1994: Members
discussed the circumstances surrounding the Emergency Meeting
called last week in order to change article 11 in the Annual Town
Meeting warrant to meet the requirements of Bond Counsel. Frisoli
asked Nugent to explain.  Nugent explained the meeting was
necessary Tuesday because of the need for signatures in order to
send the warrants to the printer and combined it with Selectmen
coming in to sign the warrant on Tuesday evening.  After a short
discussion on the validity of calling the meeting an Emergency
for the stated purpose, no vote was taken to confirm the actions
of the April 12th meeting of the Board.

IX. Parade Request - Hanson Boy's Baseball:  The annual request
was presented for the Boys' Youth Baseball parade from the Town
Hall grounds to Botieri Field on Saturday April 23, 1994 at 12
noon with a rain date of Sunday, April 24, 1994.  Motion
4/19/94.4: move to issue parade permit for Hanson Youth Baseball
parade for April 23 with rain date.  Motion by Haggerty with
second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.

X. Ladder Truck discussion: Chief Huska sent a memo refuting the
unsafe condition of the ladder truck on the road.  Further
deterioration of the machinery would make it necessary to take
vehicle off the road.

XI. Vote - Annual TIP List: TIP stands for Transportation
Improvement Program. The Old Colony Planning Council forwarded a
report for FY 95 noting that the Town of Hanson was scheduled for
Bridge replacement work (BR#H-07-004) at the State Street Bridge
over the Indian Head River.  For FY 96 OCPC is scheduling STP
funding for resurfacing Route 14 West Washington Street & Maquan
Street.  The report also noted four other proposals for road
reconstruction efforts not yet committed. Both Dick Harris,
Highway Surveyor and Noreen O'Toole, Town Planner and Hanson's
representative at OCPC have given the nod to the TIP projects.
Motion 4/19/94.5: move to approve the projects listed on the TIP
report from Old Colony Planning Council submitted for FY 95.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

XII. Sunday Ice-cream list for permits: The following companies /
owners requesting permission to sell ice-cream at their
establishments: Dunkin Donuts; Elena's Restaurant; Heidi Hollow
Farm, Inc.; Stripes General Store; Captain & I; Hanson Tavern;
Coffee Express; Myron Jarkakis dba Santero's; The Cafe Deli;
Novak, Inc. - Phil's Restaurant, Village Mini-Mart, Shaw's, A.L.
McCarthy - McCarthy's Pub, Keoffi, Inc. - Cataldi's Restaurant;
Olde Hitching Post; Charter Marketing; Hanson Bowladrome; JJ's
Pub; Hanson American Legion; Pina, Inc. dba Alfred & Paul's.
Motion 4/19/94.6: move to issue license permits for sale of ice-
cream on Sundays to the establishments listed above for the
upcoming year.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Kuchinski.
Motion carried 4-0.

XIII. Local Initiative Petition procedure:   Based on the Board
of Appeal's request to Board of Selectmen dated January 4, 1994
and the memo from Kopelman & Paige dated December 23, 1993,
Selectmen discussed the need for a policy to address initiative
petitions brought forward to the Town by developers.  Motion
4/19/94.7 move to adopt the drafted Selectmen policy to handle
Local Initiative Petitions submitted to the Town.  Motion by
Haggerty with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.

XIV. Emergency Management Week: In order to promote a unified
stand of local and state emergency efforts, Area II Public Safety
Director (Thomas Rodger) requested the Board of Selectmen to
follow Governor Weld and the Legislature in proclaiming May 8 -
15 as Emergency Management Week.  Motion 4/19/94.8: move to
proclaim the week of May 8 through 15 as Emergency Management
Week.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 4-0.  A Public Safety Fair to be held May 14th at the
Weymouth Air Base was also announced.

XV. Requests for Action:  (1) Route 58 update: Nugent to place a
copy of a written status update in Selectmen mailboxes; progress
toward Route 58 project completion should step up now that the
better weather is coming. A further update will be made after the
next meeting with State engineers.

XVI. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Town Meeting process: Nugent
will prepare the recommendation sheets on the warrant articles as
voted this evening. (2) Fire Department Union has put the Town on
notice that it wishes to revisit specific issues within the
contract. Two selectmen will be designated after May 14 election.

At 9:05 break. Resumed at 9:15pm.

XVII. Action on articles for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant:
Chair Frisoli read the cover memo from the FinCom and then each
warrant article. Selectmen held discussion, vote and assignment
of reading articles being presented by the Board.  Linda Wyman
present for the discussion making FinCom comments as requested.
A copy of the warrant is attached to official record of minutes.

Motion 4/19/94.9: move to recommend article one as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Frisoli to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.10: move to recommend article two as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Haggerty to present article with M. Sutter to explain.

Motion 4/19/94.11: move to recommend article three as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.12: move to recommend article four as presented.
Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried
3-1 (Kuchinski).  Murdoch to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.13: move to recommend article five as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Haggerty to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.14: move to recommend article six as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.15: move to recommend article seven as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.16: move to recommend article eight as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 3-1

Motion 4/19/94.17: move to recommend article nine as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.18: move to recommend article ten as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.19: move to recommend article eleven as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 3-1

Motion 4/19/94.20: move to recommend article twelve as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.21: move to recommend article thirteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.22: move to recommend article fourteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.23: move to recommend article fifteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.24: move to recommend article sixteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.25: move to recommend article seventeen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
voted 2-2 (Haggerty, Kuchinski).  Motion did not carry.

Motion 4/19/94.26: move to recommend article eighteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.27: move to recommend article nineteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.  Murdoch to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.28: move to recommend article twenty as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Kuchinski to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.29: move to recommend article twenty-one as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.30: move to recommend article twenty-two as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.  Frisoli to present article (Charles George
Trucking payment).

Motion 4/19/94.31: move to recommend article twenty-three as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.32: move to recommend article twenty-four as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.33: move to recommend article twenty-five as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.  Frisoli to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.34: move to recommend article twenty-six as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.35: move to recommend article twenty-seven as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.36: move to recommend article twenty-eight as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.37: move to recommend article twenty-nine as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 3-1 (Kuchinski).

Motion 4/19/94.38: move to recommend article thirty as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Andrews to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.39: move to recommend article thirty-one as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.40: move to pass over article thirty-two.  Motion
made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.41: move to pass over article thirty-three.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.42: move to pass over article thirty-four, thirty-
five and thirty-six.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by
Murdoch.  Motion carried 3-1 (Kuchinski).

Motion 4/19/94.43: move to recommend article thirty-seven as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.  Kuchinski to present article.

Short Break taken.  Meeting resumed at 10:35pm.

XVIII. Action on articles for the Special Town Meeting Warrant:
Linda Wyman reported that FinCom had not yet discussed stance on
these articles, but would be prepared for Town Meeting.

Motion 4/19/94.44: move to recommend article one as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.45: move to recommend article two as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.46: move to recommend article three as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.47: move to recommend article four as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.48: move to recommend article five as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.49: move to recommend article six as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.50: move to recommend article seven as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Haggerty to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.51: move to recommend article eight as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Frisoli to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.52: move to recommend article nine as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Murdoch to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.53: move to recommend article ten as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.54: move to recommend article eleven as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.55: move to recommend article twelve as presented.
Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Kuchinski to present article.

Motion 4/19/94.56: move to recommend article thirteen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.57: move to recommend article fourteen as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.58: move to recommend article fifteen as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion voted 2-2 (Haggerty, Frisoli) therefore motion does not
pass.   Andrews to present the article.

Motion 4/19/94.59: move to recommend article sixteen as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.60: move to not to recommend article seventeen as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.61: move to pass over article eighteen.  Motion by
Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 3-1 (Kuchinski).

Motion 4/19/94.62: move to recommend article nineteen as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.63: move not to recommend article twenty as
presented.  Motion by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion
voted 2-2 (Kuchinski, Murdoch).  Motion does not carry.

Motion 4/19/94.64: move to hold recommendations until Selectmen's
meeting on May 2nd at 7pm for articles twenty-one, twenty-two,
twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six.   Motion made
by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motion 4/19/94.65: move to recommend article twenty-seven as
presented.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 3-1 (Frisoli).

XIX. Adjournment.  Jim Haggerty gave farewell speech thanking all
for all the good wishes.  Motion 4/5/94.66: move to adjourn.  
Motion by Haggerty with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.
Adjourned at 11:12pm.

Note:  Special and Annual Towm Meetings on file in Clerk's Office and Selectmen's Office